
exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs

Hugo Shortcodes are simple snippets inside your content files calling built-in or custom templates.

Hextra provides a collection of beautiful shortcodes to enhance your content.


exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs To use this shortcode inline, inline shortcode needs to be enabled in the config:

enableInlineShortcodes: true

List of available icons can be found in data/icons.yaml.



{{< icon "github" >}}

Heroicons v1 outline icons are available out of the box.

How to add your own icons

Create data/icons.yaml file, then add your own SVG icons in the following format:

your-icon: <svg>your icon svg content</svg>

It then can be used in the shortcode like this:

{{< icon "your-icon" >}}

{{< card icon="your-icon" >}}

Tip: Iconify Design is a great place to find SVG icons for your site.


exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs



Org-Mode (FIXME)

  {{< card link="../callout" title="Callout" icon="warning" >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="No Icon" >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="Image Card" image="" subtitle="Unsplash Landscape" >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="Local Image" image="/images/card-image-unprocessed.jpg" subtitle="Raw image under static directory." >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="Local Image" image="images/space.jpg" subtitle="Image under assets directory, processed by Hugo." method="Resize" options="600x q80 webp" >}}


{{< cards >}}
  {{< card link="../callout" title="Callout" icon="warning" >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="No Icon" >}}
{{< /cards >}}
{{< cards >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="Image Card" image="" subtitle="Unsplash Landscape" >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="Local Image" image="/images/card-image-unprocessed.jpg" subtitle="Raw image under static directory." >}}
  {{< card link="/" title="Local Image" image="images/space.jpg" subtitle="Image under assets directory, processed by Hugo." method="Resize" options="600x q80 webp" >}}
{{< /cards >}}

Card Parameters

linkURL (internal or external).
titleTitle heading for the card.
subtitleSubtitle heading (supports Markdown).
iconName of the icon.

Image Card

Additionally, the card supports adding image and processing through these parameters:

imageSpecifies the image URL for the card.
methodSets Hugo’s image processing method.
optionsConfigures Hugo’s image processing options.

Card supports three kinds of images:

  1. Remote image: the full URL in the image parameter.
  2. Static image: use the relative path in Hugo’s static/ directory.
  3. Processed image: use the relative path in Hugo’s assets/ directory.

Hextra auto-detects if image processing is needed during build and applies the options parameter or default settings (Resize, 800x, Quality 80, WebP Format). It currently supports these method: Resize, Fit, Fill and Crop.

For more on Hugo’s built in image processing commands, methods, and options see their Image Processing Documentation.


exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs


JSON: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax.
YAML: YAML is a human-readable data serialization language.
TOML: TOML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that’s easy to read due to obvious semantics.

테스트 중 입니다.

{{< tab >}} ****JSON****: {{< /tab >}} {{< tab >}} ****YAML****: {{< /tab >}} {{< tab >}} ****TOML****: {{< /tab >}}



{{< tabs items="JSON,YAML,TOML" >}}

  {{< tab >}}**JSON**: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax.{{< /tab >}}
  {{< tab >}}**YAML**: YAML is a human-readable data serialization language.{{< /tab >}}
  {{< tab >}}**TOML**: TOML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to obvious semantics.{{< /tab >}}

{{< /tabs >}}

Specify Selected Index

Use defaultIndex property to specify the selected tab. The index starts from 0.

{{< tabs items="JSON,YAML,TOML" defaultIndex="1" >}}

  {{< tab >}}**JSON**: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax.{{< /tab >}}
  {{< tab >}}**YAML**: YAML is a human-readable data serialization language.{{< /tab >}}
  {{< tab >}}**TOML**: TOML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to obvious semantics.{{< /tab >}}

{{< /tabs >}}

The YAML tab will be selected by default.

JSON: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax.
YAML: YAML is a human-readable data serialization language.
TOML: TOML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that’s easy to read due to obvious semantics.

Use Markdown

Markdown syntax including code block is also supported:

{{< tabs items="JSON,YAML,TOML" >}}

  {{< tab >}}
  { "hello": "world" }
  {{< /tab >}}

  ... add other tabs similarly

{{< /tabs >}}
{ "hello": "world" }
hello: world
hello = "world"


exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs A built-in component to show important information to the reader.


A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.
A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.
A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.
A callout is a short piece of text intended to attract attention.



Hugo can be used to create a wide variety of websites, including blogs, portfolios, documentation sites, and more.
#+attr_shortcode: emoji="🌐"
Hugo can be used to create a wide variety of websites, including blogs,
portfolios, documentation sites, and more.
{{< callout emoji="🌐" >}}
  Hugo can be used to create a wide variety of websites, including blogs, portfolios, documentation sites, and more.
{{< /callout >}}


Please visit GitHub to see the latest releases.
#+attr_shortcode: type="info"
Please visit GitHub to see the latest releases.
{{< callout type="info" >}}
Please visit GitHub to see the latest releases.
{{< /callout >}}


This API will be deprecated in the next version.
#+attr_shortcode: type="warning"
This API will be deprecated in the next version.
{{< callout type="warning" >}}
This API will be deprecated in the next version.
{{< /callout >}}


Something went wrong and it’s going to explode.
#+attr_shortcode: type="error"
Something went wrong and it's going to explode.
{{< callout type="error" >}}
Something went wrong and it's going to explode.
{{< /callout >}}


exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs A built-in component to display a collapsible content.



This is the content of the details.

Markdown is supported.

Click me to reveal
This will be hidden by default.



#+attr_shortcode: title="Details"
This is the content of the details.

Markdown is *supported*.
#+attr_shortcode: title="Click me to reveal" closed="true"
This will be hidden by default.


{{% details title="Details" %}}

This is the content of the details.

Markdown is **supported**.

{{% /details %}}
{{% details title="Click me to reveal" closed="true" %}}

This will be hidden by default.

{{% /details %}}


exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs


  • hugo.toml
  • Usage

    {{< filetree/container >}}
      {{< filetree/folder name="content" >}}
        {{< filetree/file name="" >}}
        {{< filetree/folder name="docs" state="closed" >}}
          {{< filetree/file name="" >}}
          {{< filetree/file name="" >}}
          {{< filetree/file name="" >}}
        {{< /filetree/folder >}}
      {{< /filetree/folder >}}
      {{< filetree/file name="hugo.toml" >}}
    {{< /filetree/container >}}


    exported by orghextra on Org_Mode & Emacs A built-in component to display a series of steps.


    Step 1

    This is the first step.

    Step 2

    This is the second step.

    Step 3

    This is the third step.


    Put Markdown h3 header within steps shortcode.

    {{% steps %}}
    ### Step 1
    This is the first step.
    ### Step 2
    This is the second step.
    {{% /steps %}}
    마지막 수정일자